The Celtic Wolf Code

The ancient Celts in Ireland believed they were descended from wolves. Their code encapsulates the ethos of the Celtic warrior.

  • Protect your family
  • Honor the elders
  • Teach the young
  • Be loyal to your friends
  • Voice your opinion
  • Stand your ground
  • Take charge when others show weakness
  • Play when you can, work when you must.

This narrative unravels the imperfect yet captivating tale of a singular branch of the expansive Browne family tree. From a modest seedling that took root over a millennium ago, there now stands a majestic oak, its multitude of branches ambitiously reaching towards the heavens. From Norman Shores they came to the fertile lands of Éire—the Browne family; creating a lineage destined to engrave its narrative upon the annals of time. Their saga commenced with the winds of the Norman conquest, which carried them across the tempestuous seas to the shores of Ireland in the 12th century. Here, amidst the rolling hills and rugged coastline, they struck root in the heart of Galway, becoming one of the illustrious fourteen tribes that would govern the destiny of the city for centuries to come. As the wheels of time turned, the Brownes flourished, spreading their branches far and wide across the land, from the gentle slopes of Mulrankin in County Wexford to the broad expanses of County Galway. Their name resonated through the halls of aristocracy as Barons and Marquesses, a testament to their enduring legacy amidst the shifting sands of history. Yet, for every chronicle of grandeur and prestige, the Browne clan also faced challenges, triumphs, and moments that tested their character. One such legend, is that of a family whose fate was intertwined with the very heartbeat of Ireland during its harshest times

Sean and Maire

In a small village in the heartland of Ireland, where the earth sang with emerald hues, lived Sean Browne. Sean, the head of the family, was a tall, sturdy man with deep—set blue eyes that mirrored the vastness of the sky. His hands, roughened by years of tilling the soil, toiled with a grace born of intimate knowledge of the land. The earth seemed to thrive under his touch, yielding bountiful harvests season after season. His wife, Maire, a woman with fiery red hair, held the family together with threads of love and understanding. It was a time when the fields were lush and the air was scented with the promise of harvest. The children played near the brook, their laughter mingling with the music of the water...