
Oh, Nantucket Before and After



The purpose of this blog is to respond to reader queries and their request for additional insights into Daniel's life. Specfic questions asked include; the genesis of the story, characters behind the scenes, my writing process, why now, and how does this relate to current event?

I will endeavor to respond to each of these in a separate blog post.

If you find this interesting share it with a friend.

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Confronting History...

I'm going to start at the end of the list, because the time is Now, more appropriately it has long past, but now is where we are.

A major impetus in the writing of this novel was to confront history, to shine a light on the past and to pay tribute to those who suffered in silence.

A wiser man than I said "Truth before reconciliation." Until we acknowledge the truth there can be no healing.

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Every culture has its unique elements created often as a function of circumstance. The confluence of location, loss and longing foster a condition experienced by many who were forced to leave their birthplace, family and customs for far off lands in order to simply survive.

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In a Word—"Padja!"

In, Oh, Nantucket, I told you about Boneka, our neighbor, a diminutive man, nicknamed "doll." In this blog I’m going to introduce you to the concept of padja, a benign form of "name-calling."

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Pound Cake and Mayonnaise

The youthful exploits of Danny Montiero beyond the novel continues.

A delicious anecdote or maybe just a tasty morsel?

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My Writing Process

How does one go about writing a novel, non-fiction or a memoir. That depends...

Readers have queried me on this topic, so I offer this to those who are curious.

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